Hieromartyr Dionysius the Areopagite the Bishop of Athens
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ Our Only True God and Our Only True Savior,
O Lord, make me worthy to know You and love You, not in the knowledge arising from mental exercise and the dispersion of the mind, but make me worthy of that knowledge whereby the mind, in beholding You, glorifies Your nature in this vision which steals from the mind the awareness of the world. Account me worthy to rise above the vision of the will which begets fantasies and to behold You in the constraint of the bond of the Cross, in the second part of the crucifixion of the intellect, which rests free from the activity of its thoughts by abiding in Your continuous vision, which is beyond nature. Instill in me the growth of Your love, that I may come forth from this world and follow after Your fervent love. Raise up in me understanding of Your humility, wherewith You did sojourn in the world, in the tenement composed of our members, which You put on through the mediation of the Holy Virgin; may I, in the unceasing memory of this humility, accept with pleasure the humility of my nature.
O Christ, the fulfillment of the Truth, let Your Truth rise in our hearts and let us know how to walk in Your way according to Your will. Amen. [Saint Isaac the Syrian]
On October 3rd Our Holy Orthodox Christian Church commemorates, honors and entreats the holy intercessions of the following Saints, Forefathers, Fathers, Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Preachers, Evangelists, Martyrs, Confessors, Ascetics and Teachers of Our Holy Orthodox Christian faith: Hieromartyr Dionysios the Areopagite; Saint Eleftherios and Saint Roustikos, the Athenian holy Martyr; Saint John the Chozevite, bishop of Caesaria.
THE HIEROMARTYR DIONYSIUS THE AREOPAGITE. He is counted among the seventy lesser Apostles. This wonderful man was a noble, pagan family in Athens. Finishing his education in Athens, he went to Egypt to learn more. One day while he was there, the Lord Christ breathed His last on the Cross, and the sun was darkened and it was dark in Egypt for the space of three hours. Then Dionysius cried out: "Either God the Creator of the world is suffering, or the world is ending." Returning to Athens, he married a woman called Damaris and had sons by her. He was a member of the highest court in Greece, the Areopagus (Supreme Court), and was always thereafter know as the Areopagite (Supreme Court Justice). When the holy Apostle Paul preached the Gospel in Athens, Saint Dionysius was baptized with his whole household (Acts 17:34). Saint Paul consecrated him bishop of Athens (he having left his wife and children and status from love of Christ), and he traveled widely with Saint Paul, coming to know all the other Apostles. He went especially to Jerusalem, to see the Most Holy Mother of God (Theotokos), and wrote of his meeting with her in of his works, being at the burial of the Most Pure along with the other holy Apostles. When his teacher, Saint Paul, suffered martyrdom, Saint Dionysius desired to die such a death himself, so he went off to Gaul to preach the Gospel among the barbarians, accompanied by Rusticus, a priest, and a Deacon called Eleftherius. They endured much but met with great success. By their labors, many were turned to the Christian faith and St. Dionysius built a small chapel in Paris where he celebrated Divine service. When he was ninety years old, he was seized and tortured for Christ, together with Saints Rusticus and Eleftherius, until they were all three beheaded with the sword. The severed head of Saint Dionysius jumped a long way and fell in front of a Christian woman, Catula, who buried it with his holy body. He suffered in the time of the pagan Roman emperor Domitian, in the year 96 AD. He wrote several famous works: on the names of God, on the heavenly and ecclesiastical hierarchies, on mystical theology and on the Holy Mother of God.
+By the holy intercessions of Your Saints and Holy Martyrs, O Christ Our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.
Holy Epistle Lesson: Acts 17:16-34
Holy Gospel Lesson: St. Luke 6:46-49; 7:1
"Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His Commandments. He who says, 'I know Him,' and does not keep His Commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked". [I John 1:3-6]
O Lord and vanquisher of Hades, Greatest Protector, we, Your creatures and servants, off Your praise, for You have delivered us from eternal death. As You have boundless compassion, save us from all calamity as we cry, "Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me."
Creator of Angels and Lord of Hosts, as You opened the ears and tongue of the deaf and dumb so long ago, thus open my simple mind and tongue to praise Your Most Holy Name, that we may cry to You words like these:
Jesus, all wonderful, Angel's astonishment.
Jesus, all powerful, forefathers' deliverance.
Jesus, most sweet, patriarchs' glory.
Jesus, most glorious, kings' power.
Jesus, most beloved, prophets' fulfillment.
Jesus, most marvelous, martyrs' strength.
Jesus, most tranquil, monk's joy.
Jesus, most merciful, priests' sweetness.
Jesus, most compassionate, fasters' abstinence.
Jesus, most tender, holy fathers' rejoicing.
Jesus, most pure, virgins' chastity.
Jesus, pre-eternal salvation of sinners.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
O Lord, on seeing, the widow weeping greatly as her son was being carried to burial, You were moved to compassion and raised him; so show Your mercy to me, O Lover of mankind. Raise my soul which is deadened by sins as I cry, Alleluia!
Philip sought the unknown knowledge, crying, "Lord, show us the Father." But, You said to him, "Have you been with Me so long and yet do not see that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father?" So, also, I fearfully cry to You, O unpursuable One:
Jesus, God before the ages.
Jesus, Most powerful King.
Jesus, long suffering Master.
Jesus, Most merciful Savior.
Jesus, my gracious Guardian.
Jesus, cleanser of my sins.
Jesus, remover of my transgressions.
Jesus, pardon my unrighteousness.
Jesus, my hope, do not reject me.
Jesus, my Helper do not reject me.
Jesus, my Shepherd, do not lose me.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
O Jesus, as Your Apostles remained in Jerusalem, You clothed them with power from above; thus clothe me with the warmth of Your Most Holy Spirit as I lie bare of good deeds, and grant me to sing to You with love, Alleluia!
O Jesus, having an abundance of compassion, You called publicans and sinners and pagans; do not overlook me who am like them, but as precious myrrh, accept this song:
Jesus, invincible power.
Jesus, infinite mercy.
Jesus, luminous beauty.
Jesus, unyielding love.
Jesus, Son of the Living God.
Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Jesus, hear me, conceived in iniquity.
Jesus, purify me, born in sin.
Jesus, teach me who am worthless.
Jesus, illumine my darkness.
Jesus, cleanse me, the unclean.
Jesus, rouse me who am dissolute.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
Peter was sinking with an interior storm of wavering thoughts, but when he saw You walking physically on the waters, he recognized You as the True God, and receiving the hand of salvation, he said, Alleluia!
O Lord, the blind man heard You passing on the road and cried, "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me," and You called him and opened his eyes. Illumine the spiritual eyes of my heart with Your mercy that I may cry and say:
Jesus, Creator of those on high.
Jesus, Redeemer of those below.
Jesus, destroyer of those far beneath.
Jesus, Adorner of all things.
Jesus, comforter of my soul.
Jesus, Illuminator of my mind.
Jesus, joy of my heart.
Jesus, health of my body.
Jesus, my Savior, save me.
Jesus, my Deliverer, deliver me from all pain.
Jesus, my Savior, save me, the unworthy one.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
In ages past, You redeemed us form the blasphemy of the law by the blood which flowed from Your body, O Jesus; so now rescue us form the chains with which the serpent has ensnared us through bodily passions, lustful impulses, and evil slothfulness, as we cry to you, Alleluia!
Seeing in human form Him Who created man with his hand, the Hebrew children recognized Him as the Master, and sought to please Him with branches, crying Hosanna! But, we bring You a song, calling:
Jesus, True God.
Jesus, son of David.
Jesus, Most Glorious King.
Jesus, innocent Lamb.
Jesus, Most radiant Shepherd.
Jesus, Most radiant infancy.
Jesus, guide of my youth.
Jesus, praise of my old age.
Jesus, hope at my death.
Jesus, my life after death.
Jesus, my stillness at Your judgment.
Jesus, my desire, do not then be ashamed of me.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
You fulfilled the words and teachings of God's Prophets, O Jesus, for You revealed Yourself upon earth and live among men. You Who are unapproachable erased our pains and thus, being healed through Your wounds, we learn to sing, Alleluia!
The light of Your truth rose upon the world and banished the diabolic deception, O Our Savior; the idols fell, unable to endure Your strength. While gaining salvation, we cry to You:
Jesus, the Truth, destroying fraud.
Jesus, Light, higher than all lights.
Jesus, fortified King of all the world.
Jesus, God, unsurpassed in mercy.
Jesus, Bread of Life, fill me who am hungry.
Jesus, Fount of Wisdom, quench me who thirst.
Jesus, robe of joy, clothe my wantonness.
Jesus, veil to those who ask, give me tears of repentance.
Jesus, finder of those who knock, open my miserable heart.
Jesus, sinners' redemption, purify me of my sins.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
O Jesus, You were brought to the slaughter as a Lamb, and were voiceless as a sheep before the shears, in Your wish to reveal the hidden secrets of the ages. As God, You Rose from the tomb and ascended to heaven in glory, raising us who cry to You, Alleluia.
The Creator has shown us a great wonder, for He took flesh from a seedless virgin, Rose from the tomb without breaking the seals, and entered bodily through closed doors to His Apostles. We, therefore, marvel and with faith we sing:
Jesus, incomprehensible word.
Jesus, unseen word.
Jesus, untouchable power.
Jesus, inconceivable Wisdom.
Jesus, unportrayable Deity.
Jesus, boundless dominion.
Jesus, invincible Kingdom.
Jesus, Eternal Master.
Jesus, Supreme strength.
Jesus, Infinite power.
Jesus, my Creator, pity me.
Jesus, my Savior, save me.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
Seeing the Incarnate God, let us estrange ourselves from the useless world and raise our minds to the Divine, that He will raise us to heaven, as we cry to Him, Alleluia!
When You willingly suffered for us, You remained both entirely below and on high, while maintaining one single unity. Through Your death, You destroyed our death, and by Your Resurrection, You bestowed life upon those who sing:
Jesus, joy of the heart.
Jesus, strength of the body.
Jesus, Light of the soul.
Jesus, delight of the conscience.
Jesus, alertness of the mind.
Jesus, sure hope.
Jesus, memory eternal.
Jesus, highest in the heavens.
Jesus, exalted glory.
Jesus, my desire, do not leave me.
Jesus, my Shepherd, search for me.
Jesus, my Savior, save me.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
O Jesus, all the Angelic nature in heaven praise Your Most Holy Name without ceasing, crying, "Holy, Holy, Holy" while we sinners below, with earthly lips, sing: Alleluia!
We see most eloquent orators as speechless as fish, regarding You, O Jesus, my Savior. It surpasses their power to speak of how You are both unchangeable God and complete man; while we marvel at this mystery, and cry to You with faith:
Jesus, Eternal God.
Jesus, King of kings.
Jesus, Lord of lords.
Jesus, Judge of the living and the dead.
Jesus, hope of the hopeless.
Jesus, comforter of those who mourn.
Jesus, glory of the poor.
Jesus, do not judge me by my deeds.
Jesus, cleanse me by Your great mercy.
Jesus, banish my despondency.
Jesus, enlighten the hidden thoughts of my heart.
Jesus, grant me remembrance of death,
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
You came to our fading and darkened nature, O Dawn of dawns, and humbled Yourself to death in Your desire to save the world; therefore, Your Name is Glorified above all names, and from all heavenly and earthly inheritance, Your hear: Alleluia!
O Eternal King, True Comforter, Christ, as You cleanse the ten lepers and healed the soul of that love of money, Zachaeus the Publican, so also cleanse us of all defilement that we may sing to You in humility, saying:
Jesus, incorruptible treasure.
Jesus, unfailing wealth.
Jesus, strong food.
Jesus, inexhaustible drink.
Jesus, garment of the poor.
Jesus, Defender of widows.
Jesus, Shelter of the needy.
Jesus, Helper of the weary.
Jesus, Guide of pilgrims.
Jesus, Pilot of those who sail the sea.
Jesus, serenity of the distressed.
Jesus, God, raise me, the fallen one.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
I, the unworthy one, bring a most humble song, and cry to You as did the woman of Cana, "Jesus, have mercy on me". I have no daughter, but my flesh, which is cruelly possessed by sin and becoming with rage; so heal me, who cry to You: Alleluia!
O Light which enlightens those in darkness of ignorance; Paul, who previously had persecuted You, experienced the voice of the power of the Divine wisdom. He then understood the swiftness of the soul's conversion. So, enlighten the darkness of my soul, for me, who cry to You:
Jesus, my Most powerful King.
Jesus, my Almighty God.
Jesus, my Immortal Lord.
Jesus, my Most exalted Creator.
Jesus, my Most gracious Guide.
Jesus, my Most long suffering Shepherd.
Jesus, my all merciful Master.
Jesus, My all compassionate Savior.
Jesus, heal my body, wounded by sins.
Jesus, my Illuminator of my mind darkened by sins.
Jesus, my cleanser of my mind from vile thoughts.
Jesus, my Keeper of my heart from evil desire.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
Grant me Your grace, O Jesus, absolver of all debts. Accept me who repent as You received Peter who abandoned You. Summon me from despondency as in ages past when You called Paul who persecuted You, and thus hear me who cry to You: Alleluia!
We exalt You, praising Your Incarnation and, as Thomas, we believe that You are the Lord and God, seated with the Father, Who will come to judge the living and the dead. On that day, grant me, the unworthy one, to stand at Your right, as I sing:
Jesus, Eternal King, have mercy on me.
Jesus, fragrant flower, make me fragrant.
Jesus, beloved warmth, make me warm.
Jesus, Eternal shelter, shield me.
Jesus, radiant garment, cover me.
Jesus, Honorable pearl, illumine me.
Jesus, precious jewel, shine upon me.
Jesus, Sun of Righteousness, illumine me.
Jesus, Holy Light, beam on me.
Jesus, Savior, save me from spiritual and bodily torments.
Jesus, Deliverer, deliver me from the bonds of the Adversary.
Jesus, Savior, save me from the unquenchable fire and other
eternal torments.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
O Sweetest and long suffering Jesus, now receive this, our prayer, as You received the widow's mite. Preserve Your heritage from all visible and invisible enemies: from foreign invasion, helplessness, hunger, falseness, and mortal wounds. Deliver from future torments all who call to You: Alleluia!
Creator of Angels and Lord of Hosts, as You opened the ears and tongue of the deaf and dumb so long ago, thus open my simple mind and tongue to praise Your Most High Name, that we may cry to You words like these:
Jesus, All-Powerful, Angel's astonishment.
Jesus, All-Powerful, forefathers' deliverance.
Jesus, Most Sweet, Patriarchs' glory.
Jesus, Most glorious, King's power.
Jesus, Most Beloved, Prophets' fulfillment.
Jesus, Most marvelous, martyrs' strength.
Jesus, Most tranquil, monks' joy.
Jesus, Most Merciful, priests' sweetness.
Jesus, Most Compassionate, faster's abstinence.
Jesus Most tender, holy fathers' rejoicing.
Jesus, Most Pure, virgins' chastity.
Jesus, Pre-Eternal salvation of sinners.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
Please note: The Akathist to our Lord Jesus Christ is a very sweet and most inspiring holy service. I pray that using it daily will bring you His grace and comfort in this most challenging time for all of us. May God bless you and your beloved family.
With sincere agape in His Holy Diakonia,
The sinner and unworthy servant of God
+Father George