Dear Parishioners,
Yes, we have now arrived at our Parish's Anniversary Celebration. 90 years! Our parish has gone through these 90 years experiencing many changes and continues to evolve. For the past ninety years Saint Andrew's Parish, our beloved parish, has been a worshiping community of our Holy Faith. For the past ninety years the holy mission of Saint Andrew's Parish has remained faithful: to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, care for the poor, the sick and the elderly, educate children in the ways of faith, and celebrate the sacraments. Our parish has served for many as a beacon of light, and a sign of hope through thee ninety years.
As we observe our ninetieth anniversary, we intend to pay tribute to past priests, parish councils and presidents, choir directors, cantors, catechism directors and teachers, youth advisers, etc. This is the appropriate time to acknowledge them for their dedication, labor, sacrifice, stewardship, and vision. We have been given this great legacy. May the Almighty God who began this good work ninety years ago, and Who in His Providence has given it to us to continue, see it to completion. Let us pray for each other, as we come together to celebrate the 90th anniversary of our parish in September of this year.
"...Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 2:5). Our parish really is built of living stones! In a time still remembered by our elder brothers and sisters this parish was literally constructed on the offerings of God's People. This community was built on faith. It is renewed for each generation in that exact same way!
Now it is time to renew the flame of our burning hearts to assure we continue the mission of Christ for all following generations. Our world needs the Light of Christ. We must be willing to face the challenges and opportunities of the next 90 years with one unequivocal goal: to continue to build a Christ centered community with a strengthened vision of an open and cooperative leadership, fortify our capacity to meet the changing needs and forge in us the willingness to let our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ live and reign in our hearts and souls.
Yesterday, following the Divine Liturgy the committee for the 90th anniversary met and we are already moving forward with our plans. This must not become the responsibility of the committee, but must be instead the responsibility of every parish steward, young and old, old members and new members. We need everyone's cooperation and support in order to make this very special celebration memorable and historic.
The committee for the 90th anniversary will be comprised mainly by the parish priest, parish council president and all members of the parish council, the heads of the parish ministries, organizations and clubs. It is, however, open to all interested stewards of the parish.
We will make sure that all of you are constantly informed on the progress.
With sincere agape in Christ,
+Father George