My beloved spiritual children in Christ Our Only True God and Our Only True Savior,
The Emperor could think of nothing but how he might bring Saint Katherine to accept his impious beliefs. Unable to accomplish it he commanded that Katherine be stripped of her purple robe, left naked, and beaten mercilessly with leather straps. For two hours the servants lashed the martyr upon the shoulders and belly until the whole of her virginal body was covered with stripes. The Saint endured with such bravery that those who beheld her could only marvel. After this, that beast ordered that Katherine be cast into prison, permitting her neither food nor drink while he pondered how to put her to death.
The next morning, the Emperor sat upon his judgment seat and commanded that Katherine be brought before him. She shone with such spiritual grace and sweet light that all those present were astonished by the radiance of her beauty. The Emperor also marveled greatly. He sought to tempt Katherine with flattery. "I am earth and dust, " answered the Saint. "Beauty wilts like a flower, vanishing like a dream by corruption after death. Therefore, O Emperor, take no thought for my beauty."
As the Saint was speaking the Eparch Khursaden, a cruel man and a merciless persecutor, wishing to gain Maxentius' good will, said, "I know a torture, O Emperor, that will enable you to prevail over this maiden. Command that four wooden wheels be fixed to a single axle, and have spearheaded and other sharp weapons of iron driven through their rims. Order two wheels turned to the right and two to the left. Have the maiden tied down beneath them, and the turning wheels will tear apart her flesh. But first, show the wheels to her! Having seen them, I believe she will consent to obey you. If she refuses, then deliver her to a cruel death."
The Emperor was pleased with the Eparch's counsel and ordered that the wheels be prepared. The Saint was led to the place of torture, and the wheels were spun before her with great force so that she would be frightened. The persecutor said to her, "Do you see the torments prepared for you? Bitter will be your death if you do not worship the gods!"
"I have told you many times that I intend to remain a Christian. Waste no more time and do as you wish," the Saint replied.
Seeing that he could neither frighten her nor turn her from Christ, the Emperor commanded that Katherine be tied down and the wheels turned vigorously so that her members would be severed by the sharp instruments and she would perish cruelly. But as soon as the torture began, an Angel descended from heaven and loosed the Saint from her bonds, preventing her from being injured. The wheels he broke into pieces, which flew in every direction from the force of the blows, killing numerous unbelievers. Seeing this glorious rescue, the crowd cried out, "Great is the God of the Christians!"
Seeing that neither flattery, nor promises, nor threats and tortures could prevail over her whose will was stronger than adamant, the Emperor pronounced his sentence, condemning her to be beheaded outside the city. When she reached the place of execution, Katherine prayed thus: "O Lord Jesus Christ my God, I thank Thee that Thou hast set my feet upon the rock of patience and has guided my steps. Stretch forth now Thy hands, which Thou did once stretch out upon the Cross, and receive my soul, which I have offered in sacrifice for the sake of Thy love. Remember, O Lord, that I am flesh and blood, and do not permit the cruel inquisitors to bring to light before Thy dread judgment seat the sins I have committed in ignorance, but do Thou wash them in my blood. Make my body, wounded by torments and condemned to beheading, invisible to the eyes of Thine enemies who persecute me. Look down also from the heights, O Lord, upon the people who stand here, and guide them to the Light of Thy knowledge. Grant whatever they request to those who, through me, come to call upon Thy Holy Name, if their petitions would be to their benefit, that they may hymn Thy Majesty unto the ages."
Completing her prayer, Katherine said to the executioner, "Do as you have been commanded."
He raised his sword, and when he cut off the martyr's head, milk flowed from her neck instead of blood. Such of the faithful as were worthy beheld how an Angel came at that moment and reverently took her holy relics away, leaving them on Mount Sinai. Unto Christ God, Who reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit in One Godhead, be glory unto the ages. Amen. (Source: The Great Collection of the Lives of the Saints)
Orthros at 9:00 a.m.
Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.
"Glory Be To GOD For All Things!" -- Saint John Chrysostomos
With sincere agape in His Holy Diakonia (Ministry),
The sinner and unworthy servant of God
+Father George