My beloved spiritual children in Christ Our Only True God and Our Only True Savior,
The great wonder-worker, swift helper of those in need, and fervent intercessor before God. Christ's holy hierarch (bishop) Nicholas, was born in Patara, a city in the Province of Lycia. His parents were honorable, well-born, wealthy people and were Orthodox. Nicholas' father was named Theophanes and his mother Nonna who were adorned with every virtue. When their son was born, they gave him the name Nicholas, which means "victor of the nations," and truly, with God's help, he proved victorious over evil and became a benefactor of the whole world.
As the child grew, his understanding increased, and he was instructed in the rules of good conduct by his parents. The seed of Christian teaching sprang up in his heart as though in a fertile field, every day bearing the fruit of excellent conduct. He quickly achieved a profound understanding of their contents. He frequently spent the whole day and night in the church, reading sacred books and engaging in mental prayer to God.
The blessed one had an uncle who was also named Nicholas and was Bishop of Patara. Seeing his nephew advancing in the life of virtue and distancing himself from everything worldly, the uncle advised Nicholas' parents to dedicate the young man to God's service. They agreed with him, presenting their son to the Lord Who entrusted him to them. The Bishop took the young elder and elevated him to the sacred rank of presbyter (priest).
As a priest Saint Nicholas added to his labors, always fasting and keeping vigil, praying without ceasing and striving to emulate the life of the bodiless powers although he was clothed in flesh. At that time his uncle, Bishop Nicholas, wished to visit Palestine and venerated the Holy Places there, and he entrusted the entire administration of the Church of Patara to his nephew. God's priest Nicholas gave to the Church's affairs the same close attention as did his uncle. While Saint Nicholas was administering the diocese, his parents departed this fleeting existence for life eternal. They left their wealth to their son, who distributed them among those who begged alms of him. And now the time has come to tell of one of his numerous deeds of compassion, as a testimony to his generosity.
There was a man living in Patara who was once wealthy and renowned, but his fortune waned. He fell into poverty and was scorned by those who before had regarded him highly. This man had three beautiful daughters, and when the necessities of life began to fail him, he decided to make his house a brothel and sell their bodies. Hearing of the father's poverty and learning by Divine revelation of his foul scheme, Nicholas felt pity for him and resolved to snatch him and his daughters from penury and sin as if from fire, by giving them generous alms. However, the Saint did not want to help the man openly, for two reasons. Firstly, obedient to the words of the Gospel, "Take heed that you do not your alms before them" (St. Matthew, Ch. 6), he sought to avoid praise of men. Secondly, since the man was once rich and had only recently fallen on bad times, Nicholas did not wish to humiliate him. Knowing how mortifying it is for someone who once enjoyed wealth and renown to accept alms (since he is reminded of his former prosperity), the Saint thought it best to obey Christ's words: "let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth". So great was Nicholas' desire to avoid praise that he attempted to hide even from those whom he assisted! He went at midnight to the man's home, threw a large bag of gold into the house through a window, and fled. The next morning, when he rose, the man found the bag and untied it. Seeing the gold, he became frightened, thinking it was an illusion since he knew of no one likely to aid him so generously. Ascribing his good fortune to providence, he thanked God unceasingly, glorifying the Lord Who cares for all men. Without delay, he married off his eldest daughter using the gold to provide her dowry. Learning what the man had done, the wondrous Nicholas was very pleased and prepared to assist the second daughter. He made ready another bag of gold, of the same value, and unknown to all went by night and threw it into the man's house through the same window. When the father rose the next morning and found the second bag, he was even more amazed than before, and falling to the floor, wept and cried, "O Merciful God, Who did purchase my salvation with Thy precious blood, Thou has ransomed my home and children from the snares of the enemy! I beseech Thee to reveal to me who it was that accomplished Thy will and served as minister of Thy kindness and love for man.
Thanking the Lord for his kindness, the man celebrated the wedding of his second daughter. He trusted that God would provide a lawful husband for his third child and again send him the money he needed. Because he wished to know who was bringing the gold, he did not sleep at night but watched in the hope of catching sight of his secret patron. It was not long before Christ's favorite came a third time, walking very quietly and again cast a bag of money through the window. The father heard it striking the floor and ran as fast as he could in pursuit of the Saint. When he caught up with him, he recognized Nicholas, who was known to all because of his virtuous life and noble ancestry. He fell at the holy priest's feet and kissed them, calling the Saint his helper and deliverer and the rescuer of souls. Only with the greatest difficulty did Nicholas succeed in raising him to his feet and compelling him to swear that he would tell no one what had occurred as long as his benefactor remained alive.
From this story, it is evident what deep sympathy Saint Nicholas had for the poor. It would be impossible to tell every example of his generosity to beggars or to enumerate the hungry people he fed, the naked he clothed, or the debtors he delivered form usurers.
When he embraced a life of solitude and silence, thinking to live in that way until his death, a voice from on high came to him: 'Nicholas, set about your work among the people if you desire to receive a crown from Me.' Immediately after that, by God's wondrous providence, he was chosen as Archbishop of the city of Myra in Lycia. Merciful, wise and fearless, Saint Nicholas was a true shepherd to his flock. He was cast into prison during the persecutions of the pagan emperor Diocletian and Maximian, but even there continued to instruct the people in the Law of God. He was present at the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea in 325 A.D., and, in his zeal, struck Arius the heretic with his hand. For this act, he was removed from the Council and from his episcopal duties, until some of the chief hierarchs (bishops) had a vision of our Lord Christ and His Most Holy Mother showing their sympathy with Nicholas.
This wonderful Saint was a defender of the Truth of God and was ever a spirited champion of justice among the people. On two occasions, he saved three men from underserved sentences of death. Merciful, trustworthy and loving right, he walked among the people like an Angel of God. People considered him a Saint even during his lifetime and invoked his aid when in torment or distress. He would appear both in dreams and in reality to those who called upon him for help, responding speedily to them, whether close at hand or far away. His face would shine with light as Moses' did aforetime, and his mere presence among people would bring solace, peace, and goodwill. In old age, he became ill and went to his rest in the Lord after a life full of labor and fruitful toil. He now enjoys eternal happiness in the Kingdom of Heaven continuing to help the faithful on earth by his miracles and to spread the glory of God. He entered into rest on December 6th 343 A.D. (Sources: The Great Collection of The Lives of the Saints and The Prologue from Ochrid)
Orthros (Matins) at 9:00 a.m.
Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.
The service of the Blessing of the Five Loaves of Bread, wheat, wine, and oil, immediately following the Divine Liturgy.
"Glory Be To GOD For All Things!" - Saint John Chrysostomos
With sincere agape in His Holy Diakonia (Ministry),
The sinner and unworthy servant of God
+Father George