My beloved spiritual children in Christ Our Only True God and Our Only True Savior,
The family, as is well known, comprises the fundamental cell of the organism of society, being the nucleus and foundation of society. Thus also in the Militant (the Church on earth) of Christ, it is a basic unity of the Church body. Therefore the Christian family in itself is called in the writings of the holy Apostles a "church": "Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my helpers in Christ Jesus... and the church that is in their house" (Romans 16:3, 5); Salute...Nymphas and the church which is in his house" (Col. 4:15). From this, it is understandable what great attention should be given to the family from the point of view of the Church so that the family might fulfill its purpose of being a small "church."
The Significance of the Mystery (Sacrament)
In the Mystery (Sacrament) of Marriage, the Church invokes the help of God on those being married, that they might understand, fulfill, and attain the aims set before them; namely, to be a "house church," to establish within the family truly Christian relationships, to raise children in faith and life according to the Gospel, to be an example of piety for those around one, and to bear with patience and humility the unavoidable sorrows, and, often, sufferings which visit family life.
The Indissolubility of Marriage
The Church only in exceptional circumstances agrees to the dissolving of a marriage, chiefly when it has been defiled by adultery, or when it has been destroyed by conditions of life (for example, long absence of one spouse, without word). The entrance into a second marriage after the death of a husband or wife, or in general the loss of one spouse by the other, is allowed by the Church, although in the prayers for those being married the second time, forgiveness is asked for the sin of a second marriage. A third marriage is tolerated only as a lesser evil to avoid a greater evil--immoral life (as Saint Basil the Great explains). (Source: Orthodox Dogmatic Theology)
Petition for Ecclesiastical Divorce
"To petition for Ecclesiastical Divorce and attend the Spiritual Court should be considered an extension of the Sacrament of Holy Confession. The petitioning and the members of the Spiritual Court are reminded of the sensitive and confidential nature of this process; its purpose is neither to justify nor to condemn anyone, but rather to facilitate the process of healing and reconciliation to the Body of Christ. In preparing a petition for Ecclesiastical Divorce, the priest is asked to convey to the petitioner that this is a Pastoral and Healing Ministry, rather than a legalistic formality."
"When the priest submits a Petition for Divorce, it is understood that he has made a conscientious effort to contact the spouse in order to find out if there is any possibility of a reconciliation and to better understand why the marriage deteriorated, even if the civil divorce was in place before the priest came to the parish..."
"In accordance with prevailing practice of the Church, as directed by the very words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, "Whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery" (St. Matthew 5:32). An Ecclesiastical Divorce is granted first of all because of adultery. In such cases, the divorce is given only to the wronged party, not to the party that betrayed the marital trust or brought dishonor to the marriage. Saint Paul the holy Apostle says, "If a woman should separate from her husband for reason of adultery, let her remain single" (Corinthians 7:11). The same thing holds true, of course, for the husband who is guilty of adultery."
"It is true that our Church has decided, through compassion and for reasons of "oikonomia", that a second marriage is permitted in certain cases, but only after an ecclesiastical divorce is rendered to dissolve the first one. But the Church also remembers that there are certain instances when a second marriage is never permitted. This is especially true for a marriage that will lead to derision and complete defilement of the sanctity of this sacrament."
Please adhere to the policy and teachings of our Church and do not make any decisions regarding your marriage or divorce without first consulting your parish priest.
With sincere agape,
+Father George