My beloved spiritual children in Christ Our Only True God and Our Only True Savior,
By Saint John Chrysostom
Beloved, I wish to celebrate and exult, for the Holy Day of Illumination is both the portal of jubilation and the seal of feasts. It is the culmination of the appearance of the Ancient of Days (Jesus Christ) in the cave in Bethlehem, for the Suckling Who lay in the manger now releases the streams of Jordan, in which He is baptized with sinners. By touching His immaculate members, Jordan's waters have gained the power to remit the whole world's iniquities. Coming forth from the womb of the Most Pure Virgin, Christ appeared as a babe among babes, a man among men, as a son to His Mother, and as a King to the Magi. He manifested Himself as the Good Shepherd, Who "giveth His life for the sheep" (John Ch.10), in the words of Divine Scripture. Today the same Jesus has appeared on the riverbank to cleanse publicans and sinners. Astonished by the unprecedented occurrence, the divine Paul cries, "The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men" (Titus Ch.2). Everything existent is brightly illumined, beginning with heaven, whence sounds the voice of the Father. The sky is hallowed by the descent of the Spirit; the nature of water is sanctified and calls men to wash their souls and bodies. The whole of creation makes merry, except for the devil, who knows that the font is his destruction.
How does the Gospel describe the events we celebrate today? "Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him", it says. "But John forbade Him, saying, I have need to be baptized of Thee, and comest Thou to me?" What this means is this: that the Master stands before the servant. Who ever saw a king bowing his head before his soldier? Who ever witnessed a shepherd asking a sheep to trace out a path? Whoever beheld the ruler of the contest awaits crowing by one of the athletes? Rightly does Saint John protest, "I have need to be baptized of thee". "Grant me, O Master," he exclaims, "the Baptism Thou dost grant the whole world! "I have need to be baptized of Thee", for I bear the yoke of ancestral sin ("original sin") and I am poisoned by the serpent's venom. I need to be washed of the defilement of the ancient transgression, but why dost Thou ask cleansing? The Prophet of old said of Thee, "He did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth" (Isaiah Ch.53). How is it that Thou, the Deliverer, seekest purification? By custom he who is to be baptized confesseth his sins, but Thou art utterly blameless: what hast Thou to confess? Why do Thou demand that which I know not how to give? I am not so presumptuous as to attempt what lies beyond my power. I am at a loss how to shed rays of light upon a day; gold cannot be made whiter than tin; clay is not used to clean a pot; the sea depends not upon a spring; a river is not filled by a drop; purity has no need of purging by foulness; a judge is not commonly set at liberty by the condemned. "I have need to be baptized of Thee". A corpse does not resurrect the living; the ill do not heal physicians. I know well the infirmity of my nature! "The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord" (Matthew Ch. 10). Cherubim approach me not in fear; Seraphim neither bow down before me, nor chant to me the Thrice-Holy Hymn. Heaven is not my throne; a star did not announce me to Magi; no voice bears witness to me from the cloud. Moses, Thy favorite, was scarcely able to endure the sight of Ty back parts (Exodus Ch.33). How shall I dare touch the Most Pure Crown of Thy head? Why do Thy demand what is beyond my power? I have no hand capable of baptizing God; rather, "I have need to be baptized of Thee". My mother was well stricken in years when she bore me, for nature cannot gainsay Thee. While in the womb I was unable to speak, so I borrowed my mother's lips; now I bless Thee myself, O Thou Who did make an ark of the Virgin and take up Thy dwelling therein. I am not blind like the Jews, I know that though Thou has assumed the form of a servant to heal mankind, Thou are the Master. I know that Thou hast come to serve us. I know that Thou art the stone cut from the mountain not by the hand of man. I know that whoever hopes in thee will never be put to shame. I am not confused by Thy self-abasement, for my spirit knoweth the majesty of Thy divinity. I am mortal; Thou art immortal. I was born of a barren woman; Thou was born of a virgin. I was born before thee, but Thou art greater. I preach first, but am not fit to baptize thee. I know that thou art "the axe laid unto the root" (Matthew Ch. 3) of the fruitless trees of the Jewish corpse. I behold the sickle ready to cut down the passions and proclaimed that streams of healing are about to pour forth everywhere. The Jews will witness Thy miracles throughout their land. Thou wilt cleanse lepers by a word; the fringe of Thy garment will staunch a flow of blood; by Thy command, a paralytic will walk. Thou wilt cast a crumb from the table of Thy marvels to the daughter of a woman of Canaan, healing her; Thou wilt open the eyes of the blind man with clay made of spittle...
"...Oh, new wonder! Oh, ineffable condescension! Christ contends and I am crowned. He wrestles with the devil, and I am triumphant. He crushes the head of the dragon in the water, and a wreath of victory is placed upon my head. He is baptized, and I am cleansed. The Holy Spirit descends on Him, and my sins are remitted. The Father declares that He is the Beloved Son, and I become a child of God for His sake. Heaven opens for Him and I enter. The Kingdom is revealed and I inherit it. The Father speaks to Him, and I am called. He is approved, and I am no longer cast out. For all this I glorify the Father, Whose voice was heard from on high; the Son baptized below; and the Holy Spirit, come down in the form of a dove: the one God in trinity, to whom be all worship forever. Amen. (Source: The Great Collection of the Lives of the Saints)
(To be continued)
Orthros at 9:00 a.m.
Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.
Great Blessing of the Waters immediately following and distribution of holy water to the faithful.
"Glory Be To GOD For All Things!" - Saint John Chrysostomos
With sincere agape in His Holy Diakonia (Ministry),
The sinner and unworthy servant of God
+Father George