My beloved spiritual children in Christ Our Only True God and Our Only True Savior and Our Only True Savior,CHRIST IS IN OUR MIDST! HE WAS, IS, AND EVER SHALL BE.
More and more people refer to the coronavirus as the "invisible enemy." Truly the coronavirus is an invisible enemy that not only threatens but kills. We have come to realize recently how unprepared all of us were and still are. Desperate efforts are being made by the top scientists in the country to invent or discover new vaccines to combat it, while the government is taking draconian measures to protect the populace. Combating the coronavirus is called a war, a war that we need to win.
Christians and humanity, in general, also have an invisible evil enemy, Satan. Holy Scripture calls the invisible or unseen evil spirits "unclean spirits," "spirits of evil," "devils," "demons," "angels of the devil," "angels of Satan." Their chief, the devil, is also called the "tempter." "Satan," "Beelzebub," "Belial," the "prince of devils," and other names like "Lucifer" (the morning star". The holy Apostle Paul calls them "principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world" (Ephesians 6:12). The devil is "the prince of the power of the air" (Ephesians 2:2), and his servants, the fallen angels, are the "spirits of wickedness under the heaven" (Ephesians 6:12).
Our Lord Jesus Christ said that "He was a murderer from the beginning" (St. John 8:44). In the book of Apocalypse (Revelation) of Saint John the Theologian, he is called "the great dragon, that old serpent" (Revelation 12:9). In the book of the Wisdom of Solomon, it says: "Through the devil's envy death entered the world" (Wis. 2:24).
Both the coronavirus and the devil and his angels are invisible and bring death to man. Although the coronavirus brings death to the body i.e., the biological death, the separation of the soul from the body. Saint Gregory Palamas expounds on what is meant by the death of the soul: "Physical death is when the soul leaves the body and is separated from it. The death of the soul is when God leaves and is separated from God it becomes more ugly and useless than a dead body, but unlike the body it does not disintegrate after death since it is not composite" (Homilies, vol. I, p. 184).
Satan (Heb., Gk. 'accuser’ or ‘adversary’). In the early books of the Old Testament, the word is used in a general sense to demons an opponent or enemy. The Fourth Gospel includes many references to him by Jesus, as 'the evil one', 'the Father of lies', 'a murderer from the beginning who has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him'. Jesus Himself clearly recognized the existence and power of a kingdom of evil under the control of a supreme personality to whom he referred as 'Satan' or 'Be-el-Zebul'. The Messiah anticipated was to destroy the power and works of Satan (Mark 1:24, 34; 3:11, 15). In the expulsion of devils or exorcism by His disciples during the mission of the Seventy, Jesus saw the overthrow of Satan's power (Luke 10:18). His disciples, too, interpreted Jesus's acts of exorcism as attacks on the power and influence of the devil.
Whether we speak of the coronavirus or the devil, the threat and the outcome is the same, death. Furthermore, the devil is an even greater power and a greater threat to mankind. He is the Adversary of man who pursues man as a hunter pursues game. Saint Paul writes: "Finally, my brethren, be strong to the Lord, with the strength of His power. Put on the complete armor of God, so that you may be able to resist the devil's tactics. Truly, our struggle is not against the flesh and blood but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of the darkness and against the evil spiritual forces of the supernatural realms" (Ephesians 6:32-33).
Along with the war that the coronavirus has declared on humanity we, Christians, think of the unseen warfare waged by the evil one against the human race. Specifically, against the Christian believers who strive to live a holy and virtuous life. The battle against evil is never ending and constant. The Christian must be on his or her guard continuously. Like any warfare, it is a matter of life and death. "Therefore, submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you" (James 4:28).
There is much unbelief today among the people of the earth. Whoever believes in God and the revealed truth is ignored as narrow-minded and foolish. The believer in God is treated with disdain, suspicion, mentally and psychologically ill; a phanatic. While the atheist is held in high regard. Christians are ridiculed and considered superstitious and out of touch with reality. A lover of Christian history knows clearly that persecution against Christianity has never ceased and will never cease. The war between good and evil will continue until the Second Coming of Christ.
In every war, there are victims and survivors. We see it true in the war against the coronavirus. The 'enemy' is real. How each confronts the enemy and how prepared he is up to the individual. One, however, must not underestimate the power of the enemy or of evil. For either one, we need the intervention of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to win. We need to invite Him in our lives. We need to have strong faith, a strong prayer life, a strong commitment and the willingness to abide by the commandments of God.
Pray for discernment and for enlightenment so as not to fall into temptation. Follow the example of the righteous men and women of God. Genuine spiritual development entails a deepening familiarity with God and with one's own self, acquired through moral choices that a person freely makes in the depths of his heart. Spiritual progress is a product of man's way of relating to himself, to his fellow man, and to God by the good use of his innate moral freedom. This is why Our Lord Christ calls out: "If any man wills to come after Me, let him freely deny himself" (Matthew 16:24).
"Glory Be To GOD For All Things!"--Saint John Chrysostom
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With sincere agape in His Holy Diakonia (Ministry),
The sinner and unworthy servant of God
+ Father George