My beloved spiritual children in Our Risen Lord, Our Only True God and Our Only True Savior,CHRIST IS RISEN! TRULY HE IS RISEN!
By Saint Theophylact, Archbishop of Ochrid and Bulgaria
When Mary Magdalene brought her news to the Disciples, it is likely that they reacted in one of two ways: either they did not believe her, or, if they did, they were crestfallen because they were not deemed worthy to see Christ. Meanwhile, fear of the Jews was increasing the Disciples' longing to see the only One Who could relieve their anxiety. And so the Lord appeared to them that very evening when all of them were gathered together. It is written that He appeared when the doors were shut, meaning, He entered through locked doors. This was to show that He had risen in the very same manner, while the entrance to the tomb was shut with a stone. One would think they might have taken Him for a ghost, but Mary Magdalene's testimony had greatly strengthened their faith. Also, He manifested Himself in such a way as to calm their tumultuous thoughts: "Peace be unto you," He said gently, meaning, "Be not afraid." This was to remind them of what He had told them before the crucifixion, "My peace I give unto you" (John 14:27). Then were the Disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. This too, He had foretold before His death: "I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice" (John 16:22). It was well that He should say to them again, Peace, for the Disciples were now engaged in a desperate struggle with the Jews. As He said, "Rejoice to the women" (Matthew 28:9), because sorrows were their lot, so he grants peace to the Disciples, who were now, and would always be, at war with the Jews...
"... It is worth considering why Saint John records only that Christ appeared to His Disciples in Jerusalem, while Sts. Matthew and Mark say that He promised to appear to them in Galilee (see Matthew 26:32; Mark 14:28). Some have explained it this way: "Christ never said He would appear to the Disciples only in Galilee, and not in Jerusalem. In Jerusalem, He appeared to the Twelve, whereas in Galilee, He appeared to all His Disciples, in accordance with His promise. The fact that He showed Himself many times to the Twelve indicates that He honored them more highly than the others." From this, we again see that there are no irreconcilable disagreements between the accounts of the Evangelists.
Thomas...was not with the Disciples, perhaps because he had not yet returned from where he was hiding after the Disciples had scattered. Elsewhere, we learned that the Hebrew name "Cephas" means "Rock" (Πέτρος, see John 1:42); here we are told that "Thomas" means "Twin" (Δίδυμος). The Evangelist provides the meaning of the name here to indicate that Thomas was prone to be of two minds--a doubter by nature. He doubted the news brought to him by the others, not because he thought they were liars, but because he considered it impossible for a man to rise from the dead. And his doubt made him excessively inquisitive. Gullibility is a sign of light-mindedness, but stubborn resistance to truth is a sure indication of thick-headedness. Thomas would not even trust his eyes, but demanded proof by touch, the least discriminating of the senses; "except I shall...thrust my hand into His side." How did Thomas know there were wounds in Christ's hands and side? Because the other Disciples had told him. And why does the Lord wait eight days before appearing to him? To allow time for each of Thomas' fellow Disciples to tell him what they had witnessed. Hearing the same story from each one individually made him more willing to believe, and increased his desire to see the Lord. In order to show that He was invisibly present eight days earlier, when Thomas had expressed disbelief, the Lord does not wait for Thomas to speak. Instead, He straightway proposes exactly what Thomas desired, quoting his very words.
First He rebukes Thomas, saying, "Reach hither thy hand;" then He admonishes him: "and be not faithless, but believing." From this it is clear that Thomas' doubt was caused by lack of faith, and not because he was careful to verify the facts (as some say, wishing to put him in better light). But as soon as Thomas touched the Lord's side, he was revealed as a superb theologian, proclaiming the two natures and single hypostasis of the one Christ. Thomas refers to the Human Nature of Christ, calling Him Lord; for the term, "Lord" (Κύριος) is applied not just to God, but to men as well. (Thinking that Jesus was the gardener, Mary Magdalene had said to Him, Sir (Κύριε), "if thou have borne Him hence..." (v. 15). But when Thomas cries out, "...and My God," he confesses Christ's Divine essence, and affirms that the names Lord and God refer to one and the same Person. By declaring "blessed those who have not seen, and yet have believed," the Lord teaches us that faith means the acceptance of things not seen. He is referring, first to the Disciples who believed without touching His side or the print of the nails and second to those who would later believe (without any physical confirmation). He is not depriving Thomas of his share of blessedness but encouraging all who have not seen. There was a common saying, "Blessed are the eyes that I have seen the Lord." Christ, however, praises those who will believe without seeing, declaring them to be truly blessed.
A question arises: how can an incorruptible body display the mark of nails and be touched by human hands? The answer is that such things are possible as part of the Divine Economia (dispensation): they are manifestations of God’s condescension and love for man. By entering the room when the doors were shut, Christ makes it absolutely clear that after the Resurrection His body is altered: it is now light and subtle, free of all material coarseness. But to confirm that it is indeed their Lord and Master Who has appeared to them, He permits His Resurrected body, bearing the words of the Crucifixion, to be touched. For the same reason, when He walked on the water before the Passion (see Mark 6:48), His body was unchanged from when He was walking about on land, and this reassured the Disciples. But though He allows His Resurrected body to be touched, it is now impassible and incorruptible. When Christ eats now with the Disciples, it is no longer to satisfy any physical demand of His body (for there were none). Food once eaten is altered in the stomach and passes out into the drain (see Matthew 15:17). But it was not so with Christ after the Resurrection. The food He ate during that time was consumed by an invisible, divine power. His only purpose in eating was to confirm the reality of His Resurrection, and He permitted His incorruptible body to bear the mark of nails, and to be handled, for the same reason. Do you see, O reader, how, in order to save one doubting soul, the Lord did not spare His own dignity, but condescended to bare His side? Neither should we despise even the least of our brethren.
Orthros at 9:00 a.m.Divine Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.
"Glory Be To GOD For All Things!" -- Saint John Chrysostom
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With sincere agape in Our Risen Lord,
The sinner and unworthy servant of God
+ Father George