My beloved spiritual children in Christ Our Only True God and Our Only True Savior,
In the Divine Liturgy of Saint James (Iakovos), the following dialogue takes place between the celebrant (priest) and the faithful (people) before the Anaphora begins. The celebrant (priest) says: 'Magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.' And the faithful reply: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you" (Luke 1:35). The response of the faithful recalls the dialogue between the Theotokos 'full of grace' and the Archangel Gabriel at the Annunciation.
Every Divine Liturgy is a new Annunciation. The Church's petition, "send down Your Holy Spirit upon us," in a way repeats the words of the Ever-Virgin Mary: "Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to Your word" (Luke 1:38). And the Annunciation of the Theotokos Church is accomplished.
Through the Divine Eucharist, the Holy Church becomes a Mother Theotokos. The Paraclete (Comforter) descends upon the Church and upon the Precious Gifts (bread and wine), and in a sacramental manner, the Logos/Word of God is conceived, and the Timeless One is born and is offered "for the life of the world" (John 6:51). The Church (Ecclesia) receives the fulfillment of those things that were told her from the lord" (Luke 1:45): This is My Body... This is My Blood" (Matthew 26:26-28).
In order for the Mystery (Sacrament) of the Divine Eucharist to be celebrated, the Lord gave the Holy Apostles and their successors 'the power that would enable them to accomplish it', that is to say, the Holy Spirit. 'This Mystery is a work of the Descent of the Holy Spirit because He did not descend once only and then abandon us, but He is and will be with us forever...It is He (Holy Spirit) that performs the mysteries (sacraments) through the hand and the tongue of the priests.'
The descent of the Holy Spirit upon us and upon these gifts here set forth is God's response to the petitions of His children. It is the assurance that god regards us as His children and that our gifts have been received by His Love. 'When you see the Holy Spirit descending bounteously, do not have any doubt about our reconciliation with God,' writes Saint John Chrysostom.
Through the Divine Liturgy, 'we are able to celebrate Pentecost all the time'. The Descent of the Paracletos is the Eucharistic Pentecost: 'this moment in the Mystery (Sacrament) manifests the moment of Pentecost.
The presence of the Paraclete (Holy Spirit) brings the faithful (people) of God together around the Holy Table. 'He welds together the whole institution of the Church': 'If the Holy Spirit were not present, the Church would not have been founded, but since the Church does exist, it is evident that the Holy Spirit is present.'
Saint Symeon the New Theologian, concealing his own identity, says that he heard the following from someone else: 'I never celebrate without seeing the Holy Spirit, just as I saw Him coming to me when the bishop ordained me, priest...I saw Him simple, without form, but surely as Light. And as I wondered....the Holy Spirit said to me secretly: "This is how I come to all the Prophets, the Apostles, the saints and the elect of God living even today. For I am the Holy Spirit of God."
Priest (in a low voice): That those who partake of them may obtain vigilance of soul, forgiveness of sins, communion of the Holy Spirit, fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven, boldness to approach you, not judgment or condemnation.
Also, we offer You this spiritual worship for those who have gone to their rest in faith, Forefathers, Fathers, Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Preachers, Evangelists, Martyrs, Confessors, Ascetics, and every righteous spirit made perfect in faith.
(aloud) Above all for our Most Holy, Pure, Most Blessed and Glorious Lady, the Theotokos and Ever- Virgin, Mary.
Cantor: It is truly meet (Axion Esti...) to call you Blessed Theotokos, the Ever-Blessed and All-immaculate, and Mother of our God. More Honorable than the Cherubim and infinitely more glorious than the Seraphim, who without corruption gave birth to God the Logos/Word, you, truly the Theotokos, we magnify.
It is truly meet to call you blessed, Theotokos
We offer the Divine Liturgy on behalf of all the Saints, and above all on behalf of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Mother of God, so as to Honor them and also to thank God for granting them to us as intercessors for our salvation. The very existence of the saints is a eucharist--A thanksgiving--from man to God for His benefactions but is particularly so with regard to the Most Holy Mother of God which is why we honor and bless her in a special way.
The Lady (Kyria) Theotokos is the supreme creation of God's love. Within the created order, she is the "exceptional and outstanding and absolutely deiform fulfillment worked by God's creative Wisdom". "She alone is the boundary between created and uncreated nature. No one can approach God except through her and the intercessor born of her. And none of God's gifts can be given to Angels or to men except through her!" So it is right that she is the shared boast of Angels and mankind, and that she is praised in heaven and on earth. This is shown by the hymn to the Mother of God, the Axion Estin (It is truly meet), which is sung at this sacred moment. The first part of this hymn was revealed by the Archangel Gabriel to an Athonite monk. The Archangel sang it then for the first time, followed by the well-known strophe 'more honorable than the Cherubim."
Addressing God the Father, the celebrate (priest) and the faithful said, "It is meet and right to hymn you..." Addressing the Mother of God, the faithful (Christians) are now singing, "It is truly meet to call you blessed, Theotokos...for she is 'god after God, the one who is second in rank after the Trinity'. (Saint Nikodemus of the Holy Mountain, Theotokarion, Sunday evening, prosomoion in Tone 5). Angels and humans unite in a common choir to magnify her who is truly the Theotokos.
There are many names by which we sing the praises of the All-Holy Virgin, but her primary appellation is Theotokos, 'Birth-giver of God'; 'for this name expresses the entire mystery of the Divine Economy. If she who gave birth is Theotokos, then He Who was born of her is most certainly God [Theos], but certainly, H is also man. For how could the Pre-Eternal God be born of woman unless He had become a man?' In naming the Virgin Theotokos, we are at the same time proclaiming the mystery of Christ that is celebrated at the Divine Liturgy.
The All-immaculate Lady became the "life-giving earth" which brought forth Christ, the vilifying wheat on which all things are nourished: 'bearing for the world the wheat of life which nourishes all things'. She became the earth which brought to fruition the Bread of Immortal Life. From her immaculate womb was formed the All-Holy Body of the Master. Thus the Ever-Virgin became "a divine table, which offers...the flesh and blood of Him who came forth from her in an inexpressible manner."
At every Divine Liturgy, the Lady Theotokos is not only the Holy Table but also 'the steward and bounteous provider who serves the divine and divinizing a word, it is she who provides all the wonderful and uncreated gifts of the Holy Spirit, those given in this life as well as those still held in reserve' to be revealed in the age to come.
By her submission to the Pre-Eternal Counsel of God, the Ever-Virgin was found worthy to become the nourisher of her Creator. And her Son, repaying that debt, gave her the grace [of Angels and men]. For as with food, drink, enjoyment, and hidden delight of every kind. He made her worthy to provide them abundantly with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The Divine Liturgy is the marriage feast of Christ the Bridegroom (cf. Revelation 19:9; Matthew 22:2-4). To this feast of thanksgiving and praise, Saint John the Forerunner calls in the people and is the leader of the Bride. Christ is the Bridegroom and Master of the ceremony, and the Bride unwedded the provider and nourisher of the guests. (Source: The Divine Liturgy. A Commentary in the light of the Fathers by Hieromonk Gregorios of Saint John the Theologian Koutloumousiou Monastery, Mt. Athos)
"Glory Be To GOD For All Things!" -- Saint John Chrysostom
With sincere agape in His Holy Diakonia (Ministry)
The sinner and unworthy servant of God,
+Father George