My beloved spiritual children in Our Risen Lord and Our Only True God and Our Only True Savior,
Saint Therapon, the sacred hieromartyr, whom we commemorate today, possessed an origin and parentage that is unknown. We know neither the year in which he lived nor the governors and kings whom he confessed Christ and attained the laurel wreath of martyrdom. This dearth of information describing any anecdote from his life is due to the ravages of all-consuming time. Only by reason of his sacred icon, wherein he is depicted as a monk, do we deduce that he received the Schema of the monastics. The pious claim that he served as a bishop in Cyprus, offering himself to Christ as a martyr by which he met his end, is part of a tradition that has been handed down to us and survives to this day. We, too, believe is to be true, inasmuch as what is well known has been kept alive by oral transmission. The venerable man's holy relics were transferred to Constantinople when the Hagarnes were about to lay waste to Cyprus. It is said that the Saint appeared to those who guarded his holy relics, ordering them to transfer them to Constantinople. So it is now that the site where they are treasured is a source of miracles for those who flock to the Saint with faith.
Saint Alexander, the holy martyr, lived during the reign of Maximian, who ruled between the year 286 and 305 A.D. He was a Roman by birth, serving in the army of the commander Tiberian. When Tiberian decided to sacrifice to the pagan idols with his entire host, the holy Alexander not only refused to sacrifice with them but also mocked them all as madmen wanting in understanding; for the pagan soldiers were as men who had lost their minds, inasmuch as they forsook the Creator of the world in order to worship unclean demons. Therefore, on account of his treating the order scornfully, he was led before Emperor Maximian.
As they escorted him, an Angel of the Lord appeared to Alexander. He spurred on Christ's soldier to martyrdom, giving him the courage and strength of Jesus Christ. But he toiled in vain; for Alexander, the athlete of Christ remained adamant in his convictions. Furthermore, it is also said that he witnessed the heavens having been opened. And, having beheld the Son of God sitting at the right of the Father, as did the First-Martyr Stefanos (Stephen), Alexander's face shone more than ever. Though he was handsome by nature, yet now he possessed the visage of an Angel. The Roman Emperor Maximian lost all hope of converting him. He had no wish to question him further. He, therefore, remanded him to Tiberian, whom he had appointed as Prefect and entrusted with the persecution of the Christian.
When Saint Alexander was delivered to Tiberian, the latter was commanded to punish him by many tortures, even on the way as they marched. If Alexander still could not be persuaded to sacrifice to the pagan idols, Tiberian was to put to death forthwith. When Tiberian began advancing on the road, he subjected the holy one to an interrogation. Since he, too, could not dissuade Alexander from his course, he had him tortured. His sides were burned with lit torches. Tiberian then ordered that the road be overland with prickly plants. The holy martyr was thrown upon them and beaten with rods. While this was carried out, an Angel of the Lord appeared and strengthened Alexander. The holy martyr endured all his tortures with ease, though his body was covered with wounds and lacerations.
Accompanying the holy martyr was his mother Pimainia. She was grieved and besought God on behalf of her son's plight. She was apprehensive lest he should cower for a moment. When they reached Philippopolis, the entire Christian population came out to greet the Saint. They even kissed his chains. The holy martyr gave thanks to God for such a kind of reception. As soon as they arrived at a place called Paremvolae, the Prefect subjected the martyr to further questioning and has him thrashed cruelly. As they approached Verea, the righteous one observed that there was no water in that vicinity. By his efficacious prayer, he caused water to spring forth from the ground. It is said that as the executioners were about to pour boiling oil upon his back and shoulders, the cauldron overturned. The boiling oil, then, spilled out and seriously burned many of the Prefect's servants.
Following this, the holy one was beaten with heavy and thick staves. Since he persisted in the Faith of Christ, he was cudgeled again. When they arrived at a Thracian site called Drizipara, the decision was made to dispatch him with a sword by the waters of the river. However, the executioner who was assigned to behead him at the Prefect's order, dare not raise his sword. This was due to his vision of Angels standing about and guarding the Saint. Therefore, the holy Alexander uttered a prayer and besought the Angels to stand off a little. After they withdrew from him, the headsman was able to behead him. Thus, the blessed Alexander ascended victoriously into the heavens. The translation (anakomide) of his holy relics and his commemoration is celebrated at a location called Kentoukellai. (Source: The Great Synaxaristes of the Orthodox Church)
"Glory Be To GOD For All Things!" - Saint John Chrysostom
+ ++
With sincere agape in His Holy Resurrection,
The sinner and unworthy servant of God
+ Father George